Week 1: Introduction to nanophotonics – Why nanophotonics? Review of electromagnetics, Maxwell equations and Wave Optics, Electromagnetic radiation and evanescent waves, the Diffraction limit of light
Week 2: Light-matter interaction - Dielectric function, Kramers-Kronig relationship, Drude-Lorentz and Drude models, Interband and Intraband transitions
Week 3: Plasmonics - Quasi-static limit, nanoparticle as a plasmonic atom, size-dependent absorption and scattering, coupled nanoparticles, plasmon hybridization
Week 4: Dielectric nanophotonics – Photonics in 2D, 1D and 0D semiconductors, Selection rules, Photonic density of states
Week 5: Electromagnetic waves in 1D periodic potential - Scattering from planar interfaces, Photonic bandgaps, Rayleigh anomalies
Week 6: Electromagnetic waves in 2D periodic potential - Electric and magnetic metamaterials, negative refractive index, superlens and hyperlens, Plasmonic and Dielectric metasurfaces
Week 7: Light emitting(active) metamaterials - Optical gain, Radiative and non-radiative transitions, Amplified emission, Lasing threshold, Nano-lasers
Week 8: Nanofabrication of photonic devices – examples from recent literature on nanophotonic devices, Classical to quantum nanophotonics (small dimensions + low intensity/few photons)
Week 9: Photon Statistics - Photonics in the quantum regime, Classification of light by Photons statistics, Super-Poissonian and sub-Poissonian light, photo-detection
Week 10: Photon Anti-bunching - Hanbury-Brown Twiss interferometer, second-order correlation function, photon bunching and anti-bunching, Single-Photon Sources
Week 11: Canonical quantization - Quantum harmonic oscillator, phasor diagrams and quadratures, Vacuum fluctuations, Coherent states, Number-phase uncertainty
Week 12: Resonant light-atom interactions - time-dependent Schrodinger equations, Strong and weak coupling, Rabi-oscillations