Week 1: Introduction to speech processing, Digitization and Recording of speech signal, Review of Digital Signal Processing Concepts
Week 2: Human Speech production, Acoustic Phonetics and Articulatory Phonetics, Different categories speech sounds and Location of sounds in the acoustic waveform and spectrograms
Week 3: Uniform Tube Modeling of Speech Production, Speech Perception
Week 4: Time Domain Methods in Speech Processing, Analysis and Synthesis of Pole-Zero Speech Models
Week 5: Short-Time Fourier Transform, Analysis:- FT view and Filtering view, Synthesis:-Filter bank summation (FBS) Method and OLA Method
Week 6: Features Extraction, Extraction of Fundamental frequency
Week 7: Speech Prosody, Speech Prosody Modeling (Fujisaki Model)
Week 8: Speech based Applications (TTS, ASR and spoken language acquisition)