Week 1: Introduction – historical evolution, issues and challenges, graphics pipeline, hardware and software basics
Week 2: Object representation – boundary representation, splines, space partitioning
Week 3: Modeling transformations – matrix representation, homogeneous coordinate system, composition, 3D transformations
Week 4: Illumination and shading – background, simple lighting model, shading models, intensity representation, color models, texture synthesis
Week 5: 3D viewing – viewing pipeline, view coordinate system, viewing transformation, projection, window-viewport transformation
Week 6: Clipping and hidden surface removal – clipping in 2D. 3D clipping algorithms, hidden surface removal
Week 7: Rendering – scan conversion of line, circle, fill-area and characters, anti-aliasing
Week 8: Graphics hardware and software – generic architecture, I/O, GPU, Shader programming, graphics software (openGL)