Week 1: An introduction to nucleosynthesis and the distribution of elements in the Solar System;
Fundamentals of radioactive decay and growth
Week 2: Geochronometry; Mass spectrometry: Techniques and Applications; Sampling strategy and processing
Week 3: K-Ar and Ar-Ar methods of dating and their applications
Week 4: Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd methods of dating and their applications
Week 5: Re-Os and Lu-Hf methods of dating and their applications
Week 6: U-Th-Pb geochronology
Week 7: Isotope Geology of Pb
Week 8: Processing and presentation of raw isotope geochemical data
Week 9: Application of Sr, Nd, Pb and Hf isotopes in petrogenetic studies
Week 10: Fission Track method of dating; U-disequilibrium methods of dating
Week 11: Cosmogenic radionuclides and their applications
Week 12: Extinct radionuclides and cosmochronology