Week 1: Conic Section & Central Force motion
Week 2: Two Body problem (equation of relative motion, integrals of the two body problem)
Week 3: The Classical Orbital Elements (determination from burnout data and inverse problem of orbit determination)
Week 4: Kepler’s Equation and Kepler’s Problem (orbit propagation)
Week 5: Three Body/Restricted Three Body Problem (equation of motion)
Week 6: Restricted Three Body Problem (Lagrange points and their stability)
Week 7: General Perturbation Theory (variation of parameters)
Week 8: General Perturbation Theory (variation of parameters)
Week 9: Preliminary Orbit Determination (reference frames and methods of orbit determination)
Week 10: Orbit Transfer (Hohmann and Bielliptic)
Week 11: Orbit Transfer (patched conic section method, interplanetary transfer, flyby)
Week 12: Non-Coplanar Orbit Transfer (Interception and Rendezvous)