Week 1: Overview of the Design Process
Airfoil and Geometry Selection
Thrust-to-Weight Ratio and Wing Loading
Week 2: Initial Sizing
Control-Surface Sizing
Configuration Layout
Week 3: Aerodynamic Considerations
Structural Considerations
Vulnerability Considerations
Week 4: Crew Station, Passengers, and Payload
Week 5: Propulsion and Fuel System Integration
Fuel System
Landing Gear Arrangements
Week 6: Step-by-Step Development of a New Design
Week 7: Structures and Loads
Group Weights Method
Week 8: Stability, Control, and Handling Qualities
Longitudinal Static Stability and Control
Lateral-Directional Static Stability and Control
Week 9: Performance and Flight Mechanics
Equations of Motion
Operating Envelope
Week 10: Cost Analysis
Operations and Maintenance Costs
Aircraft and Airline Economics
Week 11: Sizing and Trade Studies
Vertical Flight--Jet and Prop
Extremes of Flight
Week 12: Design of Unique Aircraft Concepts
Flying Wing, Tailless, Lifting Fuselage, and Blended Wing-Body
Conceptual Design Examples