Week 1: Rapid overview of Fortran programming Language
Week 2: Random Number generation and testing, Generation of random numbers with given distribution
Week 3: Numerical Integration: (a) Deterministic: Trapezoidal method & (b) Multi-dimensional Integration
using stochastic methods.
Week 4: Lattice Monte Carlo simulations using Ising model to understand phase transitions: Metropolis
algorithm, understanding kinetic barriers, finite size effects, role of thermal fluctuations
Week 5: Metropolis algorithm, understanding kinetic barriers, finite size effects, role of thermal fluctuations;
Principle of detailed balance, calculating thermodynamic averages
Week 6: Determining transition temperature using Binders cumulant
Week 7: Solving differential equations
Week 8: Linear, non-linear and coupled differential equations
Week 9: Solving differential equations Schrodinger eqn. in Quantum Mechanics with Numerov’s algorithm
and variational principle.
Week 10: Classical Molecular Dynamics simulations using Lennard-Jones’ potential
Week 11: Classical Molecular Dynamics simulations using Lennard-Jones’ potential
Week 12: Classical Molecular Dynamics simulations using Lennard-Jones’ potential