Week 1 : Lecture 1: Introduction to sensors and biosensors:Characteristics and components of optical biosensors,various
transduction mechanisms, Optical probing parameters
Lecture 2: Performance parameters, Fabrication and functionalization methods of optical biosensors
Lecture 3: Basic optics for optical biosensing-I:Electromagnetic waves in free space: –Maxwell’s equations,
EM Wave equations, Power density, Polarization, Scattering
Week 2 : Lecture 4: Basic optics for optical biosensing-II: Electromagnetic waves in matter Dielectrics, Reflection
and transmission at interface: Fresnel equations, Polarization by reflection – Brewster angle sensor
Lecture 5: Basic optics for optical biosensing-III: Electromagnetic waves in matter Total internal reflection- TIR sensors,
Evanescent wave sensing, factors affecting performance, importance of penetration depth, waveguide sensors using TIR
Lecture 6: Basic optics for optical biosensing-IV: Electromagnetic waves in matter Absorption and dispersion,
conductors: Drude model for the metal dielectric function and introduction to plasmons
Week 3 : Lecture 7: Plasmonic sensors: Propagating versus localized plasmons, Optimized sensor configurations, Electromagnetic
field enhancements, plasmon enhanced sensors
Lecture 8: Basic optics for optical biosensing-V: Interference and diffraction Interference and interferometry, Airy function for
single layer, Mach Zehnder Interferometer for sensing, Fabry Perot Interferometer for sensing.
Week 4 : Lecture 9: Review of biomaterial optics:Biomaterial Structures EM Waves Absorption in Tissue, Chirality, polarization
rotation and dichroism,
Lecture 10: Review of sensing applications: Scattering–Elastic (Rayleigh), –Inelastic (Raman); Fluorescence, Some real life
optical biosensors, Sensing at terahertz.