Week 1 : 1. Introduction
2. Introduction: Developments, Objectives, & Functions
3. Introduction: Functions and tools
4. Tool of IE and Organizational Structure
5. Organizational Structure
Week 2 : 6. Organizational Structure: Roles
7. Organizational Structure: Types
8. Organizational Structure: Product Strategies
9. Organizational Structure: Process & Product Organization
10. Organizational Structure and culture
Week 3 : 11. Organizational Structure: Principles
12. Plant Location & Layout: Selection of Site
13. Plant Location & Layout: Factor Affecting Selection of Site
14. Plant Location & Layout: Methods for Selection of Site
15. Plant Location & Layout: Methods for Selection of Site II
Week 4 : 16. Plant Location & Layout: Methods for Selection of Site III
17. Plant Location & Layout: Methods for Selection of Site IV
18. Plant Layout: Purpose and Types of Layout
19. Plant Layout: Types of Layout
20. Plant Layout: Cellular and Process Layout
Week 5 : 21. Plant Layout: Process Layout Design
22. Plant Layout: Process Layout Design II
23. Plant Layout: Product Layout Design
24. Organization of Facility
25. Organization of Facility & Material Handling
Week 6 : 26. Material Handling
27. Production Planning and Control: Scope
28. Production Planning and Control: Scope II
29. Production Planning and Control: Capacity Planning
30. Production Planning and Control: Capacity Planning & Scheduling
Week 7 : 31. Production Planning and Control: MRP, Routing, Scheduling
32. Production Planning and Control: Scheduling
33. Production Planning and Control: Priority Sequencing
34. Production Planning and Control: Priority Sequencing II
35. Production Planning and Control: Relative Performance of Priority Sequencing Rules
Week 8 : 36. Inventory: Fundamentals
37. Inventory: Models
38. Inventory: Models II
39. Inventory: Wilson Model
40. Inventory: Gradual Replenishment Model
Week 9 : 41. Project Management & Network Modelling: Introduction
42. Network Modelling: PERT
43. Network Analysis: PERT
44. Network Analysis: PERT II
45. Network Analysis: Crashing Network and CPM
Week 10:46. Network Analysis: Critical Path Method
47. Forecasting: Introduction
48. Forecasting: Methods
49. Forecasting: Methods II
50. Forecasting: Methods III
Week 11: 51. Forecasting: Methods IV
52. Forecasting: Methods V
53. Quality Control: Introduction
54. Quality Control: Fundamentals
55. Quality Control: SPC
Week 12:56. Quality Control: SPC II
57. Quality Control: Control Charts
58. Quality Control: Control Charts II
59. Quality Control: Control Charts for Attributes
60. Productivity & Work Study