Week 1: Introduction to qualitative research,Introduction,The Qualitative Researcher,Quantitative vs. qualitative research,
History of qualitative research,The process of qualitative research
Week 2: Major paradigms & perspectives,Dominant paradigms of qualitative research,Interpretivist thinking,Verstehen,
Constructivism,Properties of constructions,Constructivism: Sub paradigms,Criticisms of interpretivism & constructivism
Week 3: Major paradigms & perspectives (Contd.),Critical theory,Characteristics of critical theory,Critiques of critical theory
Week 4: Strategies of inquiry,Introduction to qualitative inquiry,Qualitative research design,Ethnography,Autoethnography,Case
studies,Analyzing interpretive practice
Week 5: Strategies of inquiry (Contd.),Grounded Theory,Participatory Action Research
Week 6: Methods of collecting & analyzing empirical materials,Observations,Interviewing,Interpretation of documents & material
cultur,Images & visual methods
Autoethnography, personal narrative & reflexivity
Week 7: Methods of collecting & analyzing empirical materials (Contd.),Analyzing talk & text,Data management & analysis methods,
Software & qualitative research
Week 8: Interpretation, evaluation & presentation,The problem of criteria,Interpretation,Writing,Evaluation and social programs,
Qualitative research and social policy
Week 9: What, why and how of technical and research writing.
Week 10: Literature review.
Week 11: Writing about methods, results, and discussion of results.
Week 12: Referencing, academic integrity, and writing for different types of readers (Research proposals, Dissertations, Journal articles,
Magazine articles)
Final Examination Pattern: Multiple Choice Questions (Just like the weekly quizzes)