This course is mainly for undergraduate First-Year Engineering students from all Specializations. This course will introduceand explain the fundamental conceptsof basic electrical engineering. The basic concepts of DC and AC ( Single Phase and Three Phase Circuits ) network analysis, first order DC transients, steady state and phasor analysis of AC networks, series and parallel resonance and magnetic coupled circuits. This course will also cover Single Phase Transformers, Three Phase Induction Machines and DC Machines.By the end of the course, the students should be able to gather high-quality knowledge of basic electricalengineering.
INTENDED AUDIENCE : Power Grid, NTPC, NHEC, DVC and State Electricity Boards. In general,
this basic course is for all engineering professionals.
INDUSTRY SUPPORT : Power Grid, NTPC, NHEC, DVC and State Electricity Boards. In general,
this basic course is for all engineering professionals.