Week 1: Introduction & Overview; Review of Probability & Statistics – Parts 1 & 2
Week 2: Introduction to Random Processes; Stationarity & Ergodicity
Week 3: Auto- and cross-correlation functions; Partial correlation functions
Week 4: Linear random processes; Auto-regressive, Moving average and ARMA models
Week 5: Models for non-stationary processes; Trends, heteroskedasticity and ARIMA models
Week 6: Fourier analysis of deterministic signals; DFT and periodogram
Week 7: Spectral densities and representations; Wiener-Khinchin theorem; Harmonic processes; SARIMA models
Week 8: Introduction to estimation theory; Goodness of estimators; Fisher’s information
Week 9: Properties of estimators; bias, variance, efficiency; C-R bound; consistency
Week 10: Least squares, WLS and non-linear LS estimators
Week 11: Maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimators.
Week 12: Estimation of signal properties, time-series models; Case studies