Week 1: Introduction to earthquake hazards- Global seismicity and Seismic risk, History of Engineering Seismology and Earthquake types
Week 2: Elastic Rebound Theory; Earthquake sources; Plate tectonics, and Plate Boundaries: Continental Drift
Week 3: Theory of Wave Propagation Seismic wave propagation, Types of seismic waves, Wave characteristics and Shadow zones
Week 4: Concept of Earthquake Measurement, Seismic Intensity and Magnitudes Scales, Past earthquake Energy and Comparable Explosive tests
Week 5: Earthquake Instruments, Sensors and Data Loggers, Mechanical and Digital sensors; Seismic Station
Week 6: Interpretation of Seismic Records: Identification of made events and natural earthquake; Time and frequency domain characteristic of ground motion
Week 7: Regional Seismicity, Earthquakes in India and Most important Global Earthquakes; Concept of Seismic Zonation and Methodology for Seismic microzonation
Week 8: Predictive Models in Earthquake Engineering- Attenuation Relation; Intensity, Duration and Ground Motion Predictive Relations
Week 9: Earthquake Catalog preparation, Source Map preparation; Homogenization and Declustering of earthquake data and preparation of Seismotectonic maps
Week 10: Seismic Hazard Parameters: a and b values, Recurrence relations and Maximum magnitude: Region Specific Approach for estimation Parameters and Selection of predictive equations
Week 11: Seismic Hazard Analysis: Deterministic and Probabilistic Methods; Rupture based approach
Week 12: Seismic Hazard Analysis Case studies and Worked examples