Week 1: Introduction to Photogeology and its Applications,Aerial Photography/ Satellite Imaging and their Applications, Aerial/ Satellite Photographs and Exercise on handling photographs,Principles of Stereoscopy and Exercise on creating 3D image using Stereoscope
Week 2: Photogrammetry , Exercise on Elements of Photo Interpretation and Line of Flight, Photogrammetry, Exercise on Photographic Measurements and Photo Scale, Role of Vertical Exaggeration in, Photogrammetry, Related Lab Exercise, Role of Relief Displacement in Photogrammetry - Related Lab Exercise,Concept of Stereoscopic Parallax - Related Lab Exercise
Week 3: Introduction to Lithology Sedimentary Rocks,Introduction to Lithology Metamorphic Rocks,Introduction to Lithology Igneous Rocks ,Related Exercise,Introduction to Physical and Structural geology,Introduction to Physical and Structural geology
Week 4: Introduction to Physical and Structural geology Related Exercise on Identification of structures,Fluvial Geomorphology Exercise on Landform Mapping, Fluvial Geomorphology Exercise on Terrace Mapping,Morphometric Analysis Exercise on performing Morphometric Analysis,Generation of Anaglyph using Stereo-pair in ENVI software Lab Exercise
Week 5: Introduction to Physical and Structural, geology, Introduction to Physical and Structural geology - Related Exercise on Identification of structures,Introduction to Lithology, Sedimentary Rocks
Week 6: Introduction to Lithology, Sedimentary Rocks, Metamorphic,Rocks, Igneous Rocks
Week 7: Fluvial Geomorphology Exercise on,Landform Mapping, Coastal and Aeolian Landforms, Active Tectonics and Geomorphology
Week 8: Active Tectonics and Geomorphology,Morphometric Analysis – Exercise on performing Morphometric Analysis ,Photogeology in Lithological Mapping