Week 1: Introduction: General outline; Water availability and uses: national and international scenario; Challenges in water management.
Week 2: Water Rights: Need of water rights; Water and sanitation in international law; Right to Water; Entitlements and criteria.
Week 3: Water Sustainability: Concept of sustainable water uses; The Dublin statement; Sustainable water management with economical, engineering, ecological and social viewpoints; Stakeholders’ participation.
Week 4: Valuing Water: The use and non-use values of water; Valuation methods; Non-revenue waters (NRW) and unaccounted for water (UFW); Metering water uses; Water management through economic instruments.
Week 5: Water Pricing - Approach and Models: Significance of water pricing; Average and marginal cost pricing; Shortrun marginal cost pricing; Water pricing models - flat rate, uniform rate, increasing block tariff and seasonal rate models.
Week 6: Conflicts in Water Pricing: Conflicts on subsidy verses sustainability, efficiency verses fairness in supply, development decisions verses capacity restrictions; Water pricing practices in India and abroad; relevant case studies.
Week 7: Economics of Water Projects: Economics of sectoral water allocation; Capital budgeting in water projects; Costs concepts of capital budgeting; Financial evaluation of water projects.
Week 8: Economic Evaluation Methods: Methods of project evaluation; Payback Period; Discounted Payback Period; Net Present Value; Internal Rate of Return; Average Rate of Return; Benefit-Cost Ratio.
Week 9: Water Governance: Elements and dimensions of water governance; Building blocks; Effective water governance schemes; Benchmarking water governance; Indicators of good governance.
Week 10: Water Governance in India: National water policies and water acts; Water regulatory authorities; Power and roles of central and state regulatory authorities; Legal and regulatory framework for hydro projects; Institutional arrangement and administrative controls of water service; Interstate water management initiatives; Stakeholders’ participation; NGOs and social movements
Week 11: Water Disputes Management: Interstate and intrastate water disputes resolutions practices; Judiciary involvements; Tribunals for water disputes resolutions; Treaties and bilateral agreements; Environmental issues and disputes related to water resources projects; relevant case studies.
Week 12: Global Water Diplomacy: International freshwater agreements; Global water treaties and transboundary water agreements between the countries on international water resources; Multi-national water disputes and their resolution mechanisms; relevant case studies.