Week 1: What is Geographic Information Systems?
Essential components of GIS
Different types of vector data
Concept of topology
Demonstration through GIS software
Week 2: Raster data model and comparisons with vector
TIN data model and comparisons with raster
Non-spatial data (attributes) and their types
Vector Data Compression Techniques
Demonstration through GIS software
Week 3: Raster Data Compression Techniques-01
Raster Data Compression Techniques-02
Pre- processing of spatial datasets-01
Demonstration through GIS software
Week 4: Pre-processing of spatial datasets-02
Pre-processing of spatial datasets-03
Spatial Interpolation Techniques-01
Spatial Interpolation Techniques-02
GIS Analysis- 01
Week 5: GIS Analysis-02
GIS Analysis-03
GIS Analysis- 04
GIS Analysis-05
Demonstration through GIS software
Week 6: GIS Analysis-06
GIS Analysis-07
Attributes Classification Methods
Spatial Database systems and their types-01
Demonstration through GIS software
Week 7: Spatial Database systems and their types-02
Concept of NoData in Raster
Different map projections
Concept of digital elevation model (DEM) and how it is represented
Demonstration through GIS software
Week 8: Various techniques to generate digital elevation models-1
Various techniques to generate digital elevation models-2
Various techniques to generate digital elevation models-3
Digital Elevation Models and different types of resolutions
Demonstration through GIS software
Week 9: How to assess quality of a DEM
Integration of DEMs with satellite data
Common derivatives of DEMs - Slope and aspect-01
Common derivatives of DEMs - Slope and aspect-02
Demonstration through GIS software
Week 10: Common derivatives of DEMs - Slope and aspect-03
DEMs derivatives-1
DEMs derivatives-2
DEMs derivatives-3
DEMs derivatives-4
Week 11: Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN) and its derivatives
Shaded relief models and their applications
DEM based Surface Hydrologic Modelling-1
DEM based Surface Hydrologic Modelling-2
DEMs and Dam Simulation and its application in groundwater hydrology
Week 12:DEMs Sources,limitations and future of Digital Elevation Models
Applications of DEMs in Viewshed and Flood Hazard Mapping
Applications of DEMs in solar and wind energy potential estimations
Errors in GIS and key elements of maps
Limitations and Rules of GIS