Week 1: 1.Setting the Context
2.Beyond Hydrology
3.Socio Hydrology
4.Political Ecology of Water
Week 2: 6.Critical Physical Geography
7.The South Asian Context
8.Water Harvesting and Water Use Techniques in Ancient India 1
9.Water Harvesting and Water Use Techniques in Ancient India 2
10.Water Harvesting and Water Use Techniques in Ancient India 3
Week 3: 11.Water Technology in Medieval India 1
12.Water Technology in Medieval India 2
13.‘Colonial Hydrology’
14.Dams and Development in Contemporary India
15.The Farakka Barrage Project: Historical and Technical Details
Week 4: 16.The Farakka Barrage Project: Socio-environmental Implications
17.Urban Waters: Historical and Political Ecological Perspectives
18.Transforming Trajectories of Blue Infrastructures of Kolkata
19.Peri-urban Water Justice in the Global South
20.Discussion and Conclusion