TALE 2: Course Design and Instruction of Engineering Course

By Prof. N.J. Rao, Dr. K Rajani Kanth   |   IISc Bangalore
Learners enrolled: 960
TALE 2 is the continuation of TALE Module 1 on Learning Outcomes.  Design of Courses in an Instructional System Design framework and planning the Instruction (Module 2 and Module 3) follow after designing good Course Outcomes in the framework provided by NBA.
The quality of Teaching And Learning in Engineering (TALE) has come to be an important issue in India to all stakeholders including teachers, students, parents, Managements, University, AICTE, NBA and Industry. The quality of learning of the graduating engineers determines the quality of their placements.  Industry, Regulatory Bodies and Accreditation Agencies in India want the engineering graduates attain a set of Program Outcomes (knowledge, skills and attitudes) which are discipline agnostic and a set of Program Specific Outcomes identified by the Department offering the program.  The curriculum of a program decides the nature of learning experiences including the courses, projects, internships, and co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
The focus on students attaining a certain set of outcomes requires a shift from teacher centric approach to student centric instruction.  While good teachers, in any era or in any part of the world, were and are always student centric in their approach the process of designing and conducting a course remained informal in nature.    The contexts of instruction including quality and background of students, teacher expertise, physical environment and the system in which instruction takes place, available resources, regulatory and accreditation mechanisms, and assessment and evaluation mechanisms are extremely varied.  There is no unique method that leads to good learning in all contexts. The course TALE addresses many of the common issues of teaching and learning in engineering in the Indian context and tries to provide a complete solution to a teacher to the process of design and conduct of an engineering course leaving all the academic freedom he/she wants to have.  While at some places the solutions appear to be specific they can be treated as examples, and alternate solutions can be worked out by the teacher. 
TALE is presented as a set of four modules with each module having about 20 half-hour units.  This course will be useful to all teachers of higher education institutions offering undergraduate programs in engineering. The focus of TALE 2 is Module 2 on Course Design and Module 3 on Instruction.

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Any Engineering Faculty
PREREQUISITES: Knowledge of TALE  Module1  -  https://nptel.ac.in/courses/127108005/
INDUSTRY SUPPORT: Educational Institutions, Corporate Training
Course Status : Completed
Course Type : Elective
Language for course content : English
Duration : 8 weeks
Category :
  • Multidisciplinary
Credit Points : 2
Level : Postgraduate
Start Date : 29 Jul 2019
End Date : 20 Sep 2019
Exam Date : 29 Sep 2019 IST

Note: This exam date is subject to change based on seat availability. You can check final exam date on your hall ticket.

Page Visits

Course layout

Week 1: Course Design, Instructional System Design and ADDIE
Week 2: Analysis and Design Phases
Week 3: Development
Week 4: Implement and Evaluation Phases
Week 5: Learner Centered Education
Week 6: Instruction Methods
Week 7: Instruction for Outcomes
Week 8: Planning Instruction

Books and references

1.Anderson L.W. and Krathwohl D.R. et.al. (Eds.), 2001, A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Longman 
2.Charles M. Reigeluth Instructional-Design Theories and Models, Volume IV: The Learner-Centered Paradigm of Education
3.Charles M. Reigeluth Instructional-Design Theories and Models, Volume III: Building a Common Knowledge Base
4.Charles M. Reigeluth Instructional-design Theories and Models: A New Paradigm of Instructional Theory, Volume II (Instructional Design Theories & Models)

Instructor bio

Prof. N.J. Rao
  Previously the Chairman of CEDT (Centre for Electronics Design and Technology, IISc during 1981 – 1996, and Chairman, Department of Management Studies during 1998 – 2006, and superannuated as Professor at CEDT in July 2006.  Presently a Consulting Professor at International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Bangalore, a member of several committees associated with NBA, and a member of the Core Committee that defined the new Accreditation processes of NAAC. Research areas included Control Systems and System Dynamics.  Present research interests include higher education, pedagogy and education technologies. Presently working with Department of Higher Education, Kerala for improving quality of learning in Higher Education Degree Colleges, and several engineering colleges for curriculum design, pedagogy and quality of learning. Has designed and has been conducting a wide range of faculty development programs on NBA Accreditation, Curriculum Design, Course Design, OBE, and Assessment.

Dr. K Rajani Kanth

Former Advisor, Principal, Professor in Information Science & Engineering - M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology (MSRIT), Bangalore – 560 054

Academic Qualifications: 
B E (Electrical):  Govt College of Engineering, Ananthapur,
Sri Venkateswara University                   
M.E & Ph.D: School of Automation, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

Academic Experience (Reverse Chronological Order):

  • Advisor (Academics & Research), MSRIT, Bangalore
  • Principal, MSRIT, Bangalore
  • Vice Principal, MSRIT, Bangalore
  • Professor & Head, MSRIT, Bangalore
  • Professor & Head, Kakatiya Institute of Technology and Science, Warangal
  • Senior Scientific Officer, Center for Electronics Design and Technology, IISc, Bangalore
  • Scientific Officer, Center for Microprocessor Applications, IISc, Bangalore

Industrial Experience:

  • Chairman and Technical Director, Electro Systems Associates Pvt Ltd, Bangalore.

Services to the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi:

  • Former Member: Academic Senate, Staff Recruitment Committee, VIAT Implementation Committee, Faculty Advisory Committee, Finance Committee, Investment Sub-Committee.
  • Former Chairman: Board of Studies in Computer Science / Information Science/ MCA, Research Review Committee in Computer Science etc.
  • Continuing to serve VTU in various committees.


  • As Technical Director of ESA, designed and developed a variety of Microprocessor / Microcontroller Based Products which are presently being used widely in the country; developed several Custom-Designed systems for ADA, BPL. IPA etc; and developed several developmental tools for industrial applications.
  • 0Technical Consultant for MSRIT project on Life Cycle Cost Estimation for Defense Equipment for DRDO.
  • Publications in Several International / National Conferences & Journals

Current Interests:

  • Software Engineering, Embedded Systems, Computer Networks, Mobile Networks.
  • Engineering Education

Course certificate

  • The course is free to enroll and learn from. But if you want a certificate, you have to register and write the proctored exam conducted by us in person at any of the designated exam centres.
  • The exam is optional for a fee of Rs 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only).
  • Date and Time of Exams: 29 September 2019Morning session 9am to 12 noon; Afternoon Session 2pm to 5pm.
  • Registration url: Announcements will be made when the registration form is open for registrations.
  • The online registration form has to be filled and the certification exam fee needs to be paid. More details will be made available when the exam registration form is published. If there are any changes, it will be mentioned then.
  • Please check the form for more details on the cities where the exams will be held, the conditions you agree to when you fill the form etc.

  • Average assignment score = 25% of average of best 6 assignments out of the total 8 assignments given in the course.
  • Exam score = 75% of the proctored certification exam score out of 100
  • Final score = Average assignment score + Exam score

  • If one of the 2 criteria is not met, you will not get the certificate even if the Final score >= 40/100.
  • Certificate will have your name, photograph and the score in the final exam with the breakup.It will have the logos of NPTEL and IISc Bangalore. It will be e-verifiable at nptel.ac.in/noc.
  • Only the e-certificate will be made available. Hard copies are being discontinued from July 2019 semester and will not be dispatched

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